All my marshmallow permissions reset on their own android#
So, add these permissions in the Android Manifest file like this: My app needed Storage and Location permissions. I am requesting all the permissions at start because our code base is very old and complicated. Rather you should request the concerning permission only at the time when its supposed to be used. > IMPORTANT: You should not request all permissions at once. It took me a whole day just to add two simple runtime permissions at the start of my code. Today, when I was looking for very simple approach to do this, I was shocked to see that how Google has made this simple thing so much complicated and confusing to implement just like how they have done with Camera APIs. The permissions has a very complicated flow to implement as shown in the below image: Wonderful job Ted Park.Īndroid introduced Runtime Permissions in API Level 23 (Android Marshmallow 6.0) or later versions. Normally, I use Ted Permissions in all my apps for the runtime permissions and I must say that it’s one hell of an amazing library I ever saw and given the complex scenario and flow of runtime permissions in Android (thanks to Google who always makes sure to make every thing more complicated than ever), this library makes the runtime permissions like a breeze. In my current project at work, I had a task to add run time permissions in an android app whose code is very old and using legacy methods and frameworks/tools.