We're not responsible for the security of content of any third party websites which may be linked to or from the Tool. In particular, you may be going to a website whose originator isn’t authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We don’t accept any liability for your use of any third party website and/or resources. The information in the Tool is based on our understanding of current legislation, taxation law and practice, which may change.Īfter you’ve finished using the Tool, we're not responsible in any way for any other pages, websites, documents etc that you access on, or after, leaving the tool, nor the results of accessing them. To the extent allowed by law, we accept no liability for any projections made by the Tool or for any loss or damage incurred (however such loss or damage occurs) in connection with the use of the Tool (whether or not the information inputted into the Tool is complete and accurate).

It’s your responsibility to ensure that all information about your financial circumstances is complete and correct. You’re required to input certain information about financial circumstances into the Tool. Any financial advice required should be provided by a person or company authorised to provide such advice under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. We advise you to take independent financial advice. The Tool isn’t designed for, and should not, form the only basis of any decisions you make in connection with any specific financial products or strategies, nor should you rely on any output from the Tool. Neither the Tool nor anything in connection with the Tool should be regarded as offering personal financial or investment advice and/or the provision of advice on the suitability of any financial products. We don’t offer any financial or investment advice. You could get back more or less than any amount shown. Annuity rates when you purchase a pension.The age at which you start taking benefits.The value of the other investments you may have.The actions you take and the amount you need to invest in order to achieve the retirement income you’re aiming for depends on a number of different factors, including for example: The Tool is intended only to provide information to assist you with personal financial planning and to gain an indication of whether you’re on track to receive the retirement income you’re aiming for. The Tool isn’t in any way an offer to sell our products. Scottish Equitable is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aegon UK plc. We're registered in Scotland under company number SC144517 and have our registered office at Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh, EH12 9SE. The Tool is made available to you by Scottish Equitable plc ("we"). If you don’t agree to the updated Terms of Service, you must not use the Tool.

Your continued use of, or your accessing, the Tool implies your acceptance of the updated Terms of Service. We'll make the revised Terms of Service available on our website. We may revise these Terms of Service at any time, without notice to you.

If you don’t agree to the Terms of Service, you must not use the Tool. By accessing and/or using the Tool, you accept and agree to comply with these Terms of Service. You’ll be able to access the Tool at the bottom of this page. This page together with the documents referred to on it (“the “Terms of Service”) contain the terms and conditions by which you may use the Retirement Income Planner Tool (the “Tool”) (as described below).